Mod created by Po911
inclusive all updates & Extras
includes :
– F1 2008 Mod v1.4
– F1 2008 Valencia update v1.6
Extras :
– alternative .gdb file
– avdvanced F1 Menu + Cams
– more frames patch
– setups
all-in-one package arranged by SiGi for
F1 2008 Mod update v1.6 for GTR2
Grand Prix of Europe / Valencia Street
– Cars update for valencia race
– Small Tyres update (temp.)
– Change the valencia track for valencia_street in championship
Install :
extract the rar-file with WinRAR or else and drop the GameData folder
to your GTR2 main-directory – allow to overwrite when asked – done !
Have fun
You are not authorized to use whole or part of this MOD without our permission.
In all the cases, that would be sympathetic of your share to inform us at least.
Can you also indicate to us if you give our MOD in remote loading or if you have
a bond on our site (to have a sight on the diffusion).You use this MOD at your
own risks.
We are not responsible in the event of problems or of damage.
Any modification made later on on this MOD will be placed at the disposal of
all community (include us).
In a more general way, this MOD cannot be used at commercial purposes
Bonjour! Comment faites-vous pour afficher la représentation de la voiture avec toutes les températures (pneus, freins..) svp? Je serai intéressé; juste excellent pour faire de bons réglages!
Hey everyone. I downloaded the mod, it’s amazing! But on the cockpit camera the tires look bigger than normal and slicks, without the stripes. Does anyone know what can it be? Any video configuration?
try re-installing the mod also try using directx-8 or directx-9