Files can be submitted via the following form: Submit Files
Fill out the form as follows :
Your Name :
enter here your authors nicknames under which the file should be published.
Your Email :
enter your email address here (must be valid).
File Name :
enter here the file name which you would like to send in (for example “Audi R8 GT3 2018 Mod”).
File Version Number :
enter here the version number of the file (for example v1.0).
File Link / URL :
enter here the correct download-link to the file.
File Description / ReadMe :
Here you can insert a detailed description of your file.
Submit files :
Pack your file (s) with a common packer such as Winzip or WinRAR and upload them best with a free Filehoster such mediafire, google drive, mega etc. – you should definitely add a ReadMe text file (easy to create with the standard Windows editor) with description and author / credits info. Gladly you can also attach screenshots – but please take care that they have a good quality so that your addons can also be presented in an appealing way on the page 😎