GTR2 Conversion and revised by motorFX
Track Infos from Wikipedia :
The Hockenheimring Baden-Württemberg is a motor racing circuit situated in the Rhine valley near the town of Hockenheim in Baden-Württemberg, Germany, located on the Bertha Benz Memorial Route.
Amongst other motor racing events, it biennially hosts the German Grand Prix, with the most recent being in 2018. The circuit has very little change in elevation. The circuit has FIA Grade 1 license.
read more about the circuit history
The Sim Version :
Two layouts of Hockeneim – Hockenheim track with No Chicanes and an updated 79 version, slightly updated from earlier releases. material changes so grass now of a different appearance
and lots of grass clumps added. tracks show up under their own headings in the track selection called “60sHockenheim” and “79Hockenheim”. animated marshals and rain reflections working
on both layouts, gtr2 lights. 60s’ animated marshals are in white overals other differences are I removed wire fences and added taller grass clumps.
edit : if you wish to use rolling starts you will need to replace the aiw files with the corrected aiw files I’ve uploaded to gtr2 Track Updates.
The other day I was asked about a hockenheim without chicanes, so a few could have blast on the old layout, so I had a quick go at altering my existing 79 version.. and remodelled the chicanes, but made some other changes to the track which could be used on 79 so included it in upload, because the way they call up files it didnt make upload that much bigger.
after releasing it in GTL, I was asked if I would do it for GTR2 after altering rain reflections and a few other items its uploaded..
Installation Instructions :
extract the .rar file with WinRAR or similar unpacker and drop the
track-folder into your GTR2GameDataLocations…directory – done.
Terms of Use :
– only for private, non-commercial use / entertainment
– use at your own risk
All copyrights belong to their respective owners.
have fun,