Track created by Bassguy
released : 10/21/2006
Track Infos :
This is my first release for GTL/GTR2, about the 13th track I’ve built overall.
Every VRL was made from scratch. 90% of the BMPs are Bassguy originals.
All of the modeling was done with ZModeler.
Installation :
extract with WinRAR or else and drop the trackfolder into your
GTR2\GameData\Locations directory – done.
Tools used :
Zmodeler 2, Photo Shop 7, CorelDraw 9, GEditor, a Hex Editor & Word Pad.
Thanks to Dutch Devil for the initial conversion, rain reflections, intellectual and moral support.
Any registered trademarks reproduced in this track are the property of the respective owners. All other materials and images represented within are the intellectual property of the author and may not be distributed, modified or converted unless written permission is granted by the author, K. Srodek, aka Bassguy.
(In other words… Don’t distribute this track or any modified versions of it without my permission.)
This Patch is provided “As Is” and I accept no responsibilities for any data loss or damage resulting from the use of this patch.
The material provided in this patch is not connected to 10TACLE STUDIOS, SimBin or Image Space Inc.
That’s about it… Please let me know of any problems you may encounter.