Track created by YETIsaj
Author Blog (with a lof of track screens)
Track Infos :
This track has been built using solely the 14 day Demo of :
Bobs Track Builder Evo –
This is only a BETA version and is released purely as a test for feedback from other members of the NoGrip forum. Eventually I will buy the full version of BTB and can update the track many of the features that are not available within the demo.
It features :
* Working Pitlane for 60 cars
* Night lighting
* 3 Layouts :
– GT (with hairpin) WIP
– Touring (short) WIP
– GT (no Hairpin) Currently the only working layout
Known Issues:
– No Night Lighting on new lamp posts.
– FPS is still high
– AI could still be improved
Things that I want to include in a later version:
I would like to make the tyre walls less solid (you will know what I mean when you hit one!)
Cannot seem to make them softer.
– Better trackside features including Buildings & Crowds.
– Trackside Marshalls
– Rain Reflections
– Improved A.I
I would like to thank:
Everyone who put work into creating Bobs Track Builder, a great program, thanks Piddy.
ZeZeZoom for his advice on the project and for kindly asking for permission to use HPI-Racers textures in a later release.
I would also like to thank Jeff for giving permission.
Ennis Fargis for his Trackside Objects Xpack.
Bob Pritchard for his Trees Xpack.
All the members of the NoGrip forum who download this and provide quality feedback.
NoGrip for being my simracing home within the wide web. I have spent some good times on the forum here. I see this as my chance to give something back.
Any modder/skinner who has inspired me to create this. There are too many of you to list.
Simon. (YETIsaj)