Track build from scratch by YETIsaj
This track has been built using:
Bobs Track Builder Evo –
About the track :
The Herons Park Karting Circuit is a 1040 meter long kart racing track, located in Lydd, Kent, in the UK.
Established in 1993, Lydd Kart Circuit is the fastest for outdoor Go Karting in Kent and one of the fastest in the Country. The 1040 meter track is very popular with drivers, whether they be ‘Owner Drivers’ racing their own kart(s) or ‘Arrive & Drive’ customers using our Hire Karts.
The current layout has existed since an extension was added in 1996, while our Junior Circuit measures approx 500m and is ideal for kids sessions, family sessions or children’s birthday parties. The owner, James Clarke, took control of the Circuit in February 2011 and is investing in his vision of the future of Lydd as a Karting venue.
I would like to thank:
Everyone who put work into creating Bobs Track Builder, a great program, thanks Piddy.
Ennis Fargis for his Trackside Objects Xpack.
Bob Pritchard for his Trees Xpack.
All the members of the forums who download this and provide quality feedback. I see this as my chance to give something back to a great community.
Any modder/skinner who has inspired me to create this. There are too many of you to list.
Installation Instructions :
extract the .rar file with WinRAR or similar unpacker and drop the
track-folder into your GTR2\GameData\Locations\…directory – done.
Simon. (YETIsaj)
Nice Track