Original track created by ISI for rFactor
GTR2 conversion by drEdOp
reworked by BenMK1
Track Infos :
Lienz Festival of Speed, in german “Festival der Geschwindigkeit”, located in Tirol, Austria.
Festival der Geschwindigkeit is a stunning complex of tracks set in and around the village of Lienz and surrounding mountains.
available layouts :
– 24 hour Grand Prix
– 24 hour Grand Prix Autumn
– Grand Prix short (Foothills)
– Grand Prix long
– Grand Prix long Autumn
– Altstadt (Innercity)
– Mini GP
– Rally Hillclimb
updates for GTR2 :
– Rain reflections
– Animated marshalls
– Functioning safety car and GTR2 pits
Known Issues:
* If racing at night or with rain above 50% (so AI cars turn their lights on), then there is some flickering on some spots of the road (especially if watching with a trackside camera). Driving at daytime and with rain up to 50% doesn’t have any issues.
* Also -under rain conditions again- on some layouts with a lot of U turns, AI cars with not very good tires or little grip tend to slip a lot, so on some spots they get out of the road behind the fences and when they can’t get back on the road they gather all together on one spot trying to get back. This has the effect, if you happen to pass by that spot, of a massive drop of FPS.
The Foothills and Inner City layouts aren’t affected by this, either driving at night or even with 100% rain.
Have fun!
Version 1.2 – updated by BenMk1 (2016) :
• Set LodOut values for over 100 .gmts higher. Material not pop in/out.
• Skyboxi overwork. Now the Mountains overall visible, and not pop in/out.
• RainReflect for the City integrated
• TRK: Full Mirror details
• Track .bmp files integrated
• Integrated flying Helicopter (diffrent position in all Layout), animatet searchlight and Firework (only night)
• Integrated Autumn Grafic files for Layout 24H and GP (from DRW GPL Version)
• AIW: Lienz_24H.AIW small AI Path overwork
• Lienz_RHC: Nothing do or testing
Fix v1.10:
• Lienz_24H
• Lienz_Foothills
• Lienz_GP
• Lienz_MiniGP
• AIW: AI speed on track and in the city now better
• AIW: Groove corrected, smaller crashes in the chikanes
• GDB: Max Vehicles integrated
• LieThmb.tga integrated
Install :
First delete the OLD Lienz folder and than copy the new in the Locations folder.
Without deleting, you will have double material !
If you want the Autumn grafic in the other Layouts too, open the .trk file from the Layout you will have it.
Than save, thats all. Now the Grafic Layout is Autumn.
Or you create a new folder for the Autum Layout, and rename all files in the new folder
(.gdb: rename the name in row 1 / .trk: rename the SearchPath)
dredop for the track and permission to fix and update it.
DRW for AUTUMN Grafic and 2 LODs from his GPL Version.
Have Fun