Fantasy Fun Track created by Franky
Description :
Hello !
Here is one of my first fantasy tracks created with Bobs Track Builder trial version.
Don`t look at the perfection, im a bloody beginner! It`s just for fun.
Use it only for Practice or time-trial ! Pit stop and lights dont work !
The inspiration for this track comes from an old game wich i had on my Atari years ago.
I have tested the track with my tuned Fulvia and some F1 cars, it works well !
Important is to make the jump at about 160-170 km / h and then take your foot off the gas, then it should work !
Installation Instructions :
extract the .rar file with WinRAR or similar unpacker and drop the
track-folder into your GTR2\GameData\Locations\…directory – done.
Have fun!
Hier eine meiner ersten Fantasy-Strecken mit Bobs Track Builder trial gebaut.
Inspiriert von einem alten game was ich auf meinem Atari hatte.
Habe die Strecke mit meiner tuned Fulvia und einigen F1 Autos getestet.
Wichtig ist den Sprung bei 160-170 Kmh zu machen und das Gas auszulassen, dann sollte es klappen!
Benutze diese Strecke nur im freies training oder Zeitfahren Modus!
Lichter und Pitstop funktionieren nicht!
(Erst Lebensversicherung abschließen)
Viel Spass!
Ecco una delle mie prime piste fantasia costruite con Bobs Track Builder trial.
Imspirato da un vecchio gioco che avevo sul Atari anni fa.
Ho provato la pista con la mia Fulvia da competizione e alcune macchine F1.
Importante e`di fare il salto a 160-170 Chilometri orari e lasciare il gas, poi dovrebbe funzionare.
Usa la pista soltanto nel modo Pratica o time trial! le luci e i Pitstop non funzionano!
(prima di guidare su questa pista fai un assicurazione a vita)!
Buon divertimento!