Mod created by M Power
Mod Features :
– GT Class
– 600+ BHP Judd GV4 engine
– Hewland SGT-S transmission
– Motec LCD that i’ve made from scratch
– Realistic kidney grill
– Custom steeringwheel
– Custom rearwing
– Custom splitter
– Custom handling ofcourse
– 1 team with 2 cars for now (black or gold BBS rims)
– Custom skin
Its beta and in a very early stage of development so whining is encouraged 🙂
The main purpose for a early release is looking for errors, feedback and the fact that im looking for people who would like to help me improve this car, from sound, skins, 3D, handling etc. own ideas are no problem. cuz i dont have that much time an knowlege.
Installation Instructions :
extract the .rar file with WinRAR or similar unpacker and drop the
track-folder into your GTR2\GameData\Locations\…directory – done.
you can choose the car under “FIA GT 2003-2004” class.
have fun