Ronde Cévenole (1967-1979) – Descente du Minier 2
Original Track created by JCRR
GTR2 Conversion and updates by philrob
Track-Infos :
After Puech-Arnal, here comes a second extract of La ronde Cévenole. This special stage is 8 km long and represents the last part of the Minier down-hill. The first part will be created later.
Though a little bit wider, the road is still very winding. I added some shadows. If this is a problem, please reduce shadows in the Video settings of GTL. Otherwise, have fun testing it at different hours, either in Race mode or by changing the corresponding lines in the .gdb file (it opens with Windows Notepad).
By default, Practice and qualifying hours are fixed at 8:00 and race time at 16:00.
To perform a timed climb, select the Open Practice mode. The timer will start when you cross the start line .
The stage was tested with 35 drivers without any problem.
The very first loading may take some time because the game is creating the .hat file. Actually, as this special stage is an extract from the final version, it includes the entire track and AIW (42 km long) …. It will load be much faster after it’s created.
Many thanks to:
– Sweed at RacingFR forum who spent many hours detecting the flaws to be corrected in the beta version
– ga2jo who once again uploaded the file on RacingFR.
– My friends at RFR forum for their support… every days!
Take car at the intersection near the end of the stage, the small road on the right is steep and there is a step …
You must slow down or the car may bounce and be hurled off road…
La ronde Cévenole was raced alone, without copilot. (42 km × 10 … )
Installation Instructions :
extract the .rar file with WinRAR or similar unpacker and drop the
track-folder into your GTR2\GameData\Locations\…directory – done.
Terms of Use :
– only for private, non-commercial use / entertainment
– use at your own risk
All copyrights belong to their respective owners.
good entertainment
Just want to leave a message for JCRR, creator of some great tracks Stage 6 of the 2020 Tour de France passed over the Col des Mourezes and the Col de la Lisette, parts of his rondecevenole.