GTR2 Conversion and updates by RacerM
Event Infos from Wiki :
The Dubai 24 Hour Race is both a sports car and touring car automobile endurance race held annually at the Dubai Autodrome. It was inaugurated in 2006.
As with all races in the 24H Series, promoted by Dutch promoter Creventic, they are open to both professional and semi-professional teams. There are both local competitors from the UAE and surrounding nations in the Persian Gulf as well as a host of international teams particularly from European nations.
Unlike the 24 Hours of Le Mans in France whereby teams are invited by the organizers to compete, the Dubai 24 Hour is solely made up of teams who have registered prior to the commencing of the actual race. Entrants must file in a registration application in order to have a chance at competing. Entry and registration fees also apply for competitors.
The virtual Track :
This track comes from Shift2, it was converted by Trebie from Shift 2 to Rfactor. Trebie; a true modder of great and growing talent kindly allowed me to convert this track to GTR2. I want to thank him a great deal for all that he has allowed, and with his permission I am releasing this track to the forum.
Converted the track from Shift2 to rFactor, he did the cams and AIW.
He also added all the night lighting to the track; which is fantastic.
I converted the track to GTR2, added the numerous TSOs around the track, cars, tents, spectators around the track and to the stands (which almost drove me mad!)
I added the crowd and annoucer sounds.
I changed the signage so that it would be as accurate to the Dubai 24hr track
The skyboxi needs to be increased in size because the lst tower keeps poking thru it. (don’t know how to do that) If anyone can come up with a fix please feel free. But send them to me so I can update the file.
Starting lights. Have not gotten around to that yet.
This track is for this forum only. no public distribution or posting the link on other sites without prior approval. Please just contact me thats not hard. If you add fixes please send them to me
so that I can update the original file.
My thanks again to Trebie, he is turning out wonderful tracks. If you can pm or thread him and say thanks as well so he can continue his great work.
thanks for downloading,
updates by BillBro :
– i’ve made the sky domes a little bigger, so the towers don’t poke through
– skies_Central.gmt no longer referenced in the search path
– fixed the start and pit lights
– renamed a few materials. (armco=grdr, grdr=fence, etc.)
– packed it all into .gtr directories
– adjusted the fuel usage
See what you think. Once you get the flickering I’ve seen reported fixed, pack it up and ship it out!
Let me know if you want me to repack the .gtr directories. I’ve found you can cram a lot in there, just not necessarily all at once. A couple thousand objects/images at a time works fine. Save at that point, and add more.
Best wishes,