GTR2 Conversion by DEHawk
released : 8 October 2008
Description :
Fictional 3.3 Mile Road course located in Finland. It is an old N2003 tracks I converted to GTR2. Has a few issues, no cams, poor A.I. mainly at pit exit, could use some graphic updates, more up to date and relative billboards and signs.
Please feel free to improve upon this track if you wish, just let me know.
Credits :
I would like to thank JKA for granting me permission to release this conversion.
This is a hand built track by JKA so props to the great work!
Also like to thank Dave Noonan for the new and improved 3dsimed, and TrkMaker.
Last thanks to No Grip for providing a place to upload it.
Installation Instructions :
extract the .rar file with WinRAR or similar unpacker and drop the
track-folder into your GTR2\GameData\Locations\…directory – done.