GTR2 updates by BenMK1
original track converted from Gran Turismo
Track Infos from Gran Turismo Wiki :
Grand Valley Speedway is a fictional course that appears in all main Gran Turismo games to date except Gran Turismo Sport. Its reputation for fast, technical turns makes it one of the most well-known fictional tracks in the series. A shorter version exists called Grand Valley East. The track is best known for the Grand Valley 300km endurance race, which appeared in all Gran Turismo games featuring this track, with the exception of Gran Turismo 6.
included layouts :
– Grand Valley East (Length = 3.602 km)
– Grand Valley East Reversed (Length = 3.602 km)
– Grand Valley Speedway (Length = 4.292 km)
– Grand Valley Speedway Reversed (Length = 4.292 km)
updates by BenMK1 :
this is a fix for all 4 Layouts of Grand Valley tracks. I have create this only for my self. I think i have downloaded it from f1classic, but now i can’t find the track anymore ?!
• Pacecar now in Pit, not on the track (TeamIndex51 and GridIndex103)
• Groove (complete new create for all 4 Layouts)
• Timetrial working
• Grand_Valley_East.AIW (AI is braking at Start/Finish – fixed)
• Any car is driving slowly, i have fix XPITINR.GMT and XPITOUT.GMT
• .trk: I have corrected any LodIn/LodOut values for smaller pop in Material and deactivate Shadow on tunnel.
• .gdb files small corrections (all tracks now 52 cars, reverse 50 cars)
• Track and thmbs grafic files
I have only made this complete for GrandValley Speedway (Streetcars and GT cars).
The other tracks has only groove for Streetcars (create with SuperSportClass).
Installation Instructions :
extract the .rar file with WinRAR or similar unpacker and drop the
track-folder into your GTR2\GameData\Locations\…directory – done.
Extras :
When you have the old GrandValley from Frank55 with update from Neel Jani you can use 2 files of this.
GrandValleyMap.gtr (11.99 MB)
Rename and copy the file in this new version
Rename GrandValley_Track.bmp -> Grand_Valley_STrack.bmp and copy in folder Speed.
Rename GrandValley_Track.bmp -> Grand_SrTrack.bmp and copy in folder Speed_R.
Rename the GrandValleyMap.gtr -> to GrandValleyMap2.gtr and copy in folder GrandValley.
Now open this 2 .trk files in this version (with Text Editor):
Search this: MASFile=GrandValleyMap.gtr and replace it with MASFile=GrandValleyMap2.gtr and save.
Now you have different Banners on the Track Layouts.
there was no ReadMe file included by the original track, no infos about the author(s) !
All Credits goes to the original creators of this track !
Terms of Use :
– only for private, non-commercial use / entertainment
– use at your own risk
All copyrights belong to their respective owners.
Have Fun