Track build from scratch by Velo
updated by BenMK1
Track Infos :
This is a possible fantasy temporary street circuit, based on the real Kaiserberg spaghetti junction in Germany. Driving F1 cars on a ‘mehrspurige autobahnkreuzverkehrsknotenverknüpfungsschnittpunktstrecke’ 😉 – there is nothing like it! Until now.
This is one of my experimental projects which pushes BTB and GTR2 to its limits. Lots of inefficient patches to make the road junctions fit, insane amount of streetlights, 3D spectators, bridges and objects constructed with ‘walls’, bridge shadow planes, high road and armco divisions… all on a long track needing extensive view distances.
Probably will make your machine struggle if it’s not so young anymore. I managed to keep the framerate reasonable but please adjust your settings (especially the shadows) if performance drops to much. But… if you can run it, it runs fine! Everything works as it should.
– 17.6 km lap
– 100 car grid
– actual layout based on satellite image
– p a i n s t a k i n g l y manual modified and optimized AI path so they can drive under bridges and behave
– further AI tweaks (improved overtaking using 3 lanes, earlier braking, close but safe)
– real road surface structure you drive on, NOT those fake bumps on a flat track
– color matched custom and modified textures, SceneLighting ColorMatch ©Velo for a realistic environment
– rain reflections
– actually, there are no street lights there. Not gonna fix that.
– some flickering textures, mainly with the chopper cams.
– some lights are always on while they are actually off??? I think GTR2 throws a fit when more then 2 lights. I made 180. Still working on it, open for suggestions.
– strange effects on the road due to patching, but I kinda like it 🙂 they are always different. very artful, especially with the rain reflections.
– headlights switch off for a while on far end of track
– AI sometimes crawl around a corner
– shadows appear from below the surface. cannot fix that, will have to wait for official patch. hmmmm…
– keep on your path in the pits or you get a penalty, will add lines and fix in a later version.
Do an endurance race with 100 cars in the rain, speed up the time x60 and enjoy the day/night cycle. The experience can be impressive. See the OPTIONAL folder for extra’s.
Kaiserberg fix v1.00 for GTR2 by BenMK1
fixed files :
• .AIW: Groove, AI speed and path, Grid, new TELEPORT, Timetrial
• .GDB: RearTireHeatMult=0.94 (so the rear tire not so hot on this high speed track)
• .TRK: In this all bridge shadows are deactivate (only the train bridge has shadows)
and Tarmac ShadowReceiver=False. So you can see the braking points better.
For activation the .trk rename it:
Kaiserberg.trk -> Kaiserberg.trk_ORI
Kaiserberg.trk_WithoutBridgeShadows -> Kaiserberg.trk
The groove is overworked with this 2 GT cars :
Corvette C6-R (WSGT)
Porsche Carrera GT V10
In GT class with setup my laptime ~5:08 Min. and Topspeed 320km/h (AI only 5:18 Min., problem is the low AI top speed of only 300km/h). In any curve 2 breaking points. The first is for Streetcars, the next for GT cars.
thanks Velo for this nice track and permission for update !
Have Fun
Extract in your “..\GTR2\GameData\Locations” folder.
This is a first release. Some rough edges. Bug fixes, additions and improvements etc. are not impossible in the future. Completely scratch made in BTB (most objects constructed with ‘walls’!), adjustments and rain reflections with 3dSimEd.
– reverse driving
– different routes
– all extra roads driveable*/expanded
*they are now, but marginal
– cram more details in environment if possible
Thanx to :
Xpack creators:
Dosgraphix – basic city
Eric Tozer (ennisfargis) – Objects 01
jay_p_666 – GB(RBR)
Duff Buckets – Race Objects
the awesome Formula 1 Mod 2009 v2.1 for GTR2 by PO911, for the promo vid
<3 Piddy for BTB!
Please respect my work. Don’t rehost, plunder, convert or mod unless granted my permission. Thank you.
So… this one took some years…
If you like my work you can make a Paypal Donation, thank you !
Have fun