Paris 2004 v1.0

Paris 2004 for GTR2

GTR Conversion and revised by TheSky

Track converted for rFactor, GTR2, GTR_Evolution, GT Legends by TheSky with the participation of my friend PhilCout for the creation of several objects and Patrick Ramirez for CAM file.

Track Infos :

The Paris Circuit is a fictional, 5.842 km (3.63 miles) long, temporary street course, located in the heart of the european metropolis Paris, France.

included are 3 different layouts :

Paris Grand Prix
Paris Grand Prix Light
Paris Grand Prix Nascar

CIRCUIT IMAGINATION ? According to the BD MICHEL VAILLANT “300 per hour in Paris” No. 42, 1983 (a strip of illuminated spoke seriously at the time to organize a F1 Grand Prix in Paris, Jean Graton * was organized).

* Jean Graton Creator of comics Michel Vaillant

Idea resumed in October 2004 by GLAPA Michel and GLAPA Sylvain for NASCAR 2003. I thank these two brothers for permission to convert to rFactor, GTR2, GTR_Evolution, GT Legends.

Difference between the 3 versions :

Paris 2004 polygons 117 533 / 303 Materials
Original version of NASCAR in 2003, stands and fires starting add.

Paris 2004 Full polygons 2 234 941 / Materials 526
Version Upgrade (Trees, Public, fountains, streetlights, newer items).

Paris 2004 Light polygons 1 350 431 / Materiels 519
Version Upgrade (Trees, Public Works, streetlights), Version Upgrade (Trees, Public Works, lighting), removal of large numbers of spectators, trees and shade.

Full versions in the shade of trees work if your settings are at maximum, to recover the FPS (regles the shadow one notch below!). If your configuration, you can not always make the system work properly, then use the base version of NASCAR.

The circuit and quite heavy (you saw the same number of polygons), but configurations n’aurront now not too hard to make it work.

Future improvement lighting.

Credits :

Dave Noonan for 3DSimED
ISI for rFactor
SimBin for GTR2, GTlegends, GTR-Evolution and Race07
I also thank the creators of objects and textures that I used in this circuit.

No change or conversion of the track is permitted worm another game without permission.

E-Mail contact:

Good Route @ TheSky



Size: 192 MB
Version: 1.0
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One Thought to “Paris 2004 v1.0”

  1. bmw328is

    What is the point of having 3 versions of the same track?

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