Credits :
Original Track created by Bjorn Klaassen for rFactor
GTR2 Conversion by Lachub
GTR2 AIW & GDB fix by BenMK1
Track Infos :
This is a fictional track in the German Eifel. The location is around an aquaduct and in the surrounding forest. The track is setup to provide some great overtaking opportunities, combined with a couple of technical corners. Tracklength comes in at 9.6 km, laptimes are 3 minutes + even with f1 cars.
Hope you guys enjoy this one as much as I did creating this baby.
Cheerz !
When you have installed v1.60, delete the file: Eifel_WithOutMirrorObjects.t_k
When you have installed v1.50, you musst delete this version.
Than copy the new version in the Location folder.
for more infos see included ReadMe.txt files
Thanks for permission :
Bjorn Klaassen rF Track
Lachub for converting the track to GTR2
thanks for help and overworking the track to NeelJ
thanks to Greybrad for help and fixing the AI brake problem after PitIn
Have fun