GTR2 Conversion by Thunderchild
Credits :
Original Track created for SCGT
converted to GTL by an unknown author
Track Infos from Wiki :
Canadian Tire Motorsport Park (formerly Mosport Park and Mosport International Raceway) is a multi-track motorsport venue located north of Bowmanville, in Burketon, Ontario, Canada. The facility features a 2.459-mile (3.957 km), (length reduced through wider track re-surfacing done in 2003) 10-turn road course; a 2.9 km advance driver and race driver training facility with a quarter-mile skid pad (Driver Development Centre) and a 1.5 km kart track (Mosport Kartways). The name “Mosport” is a contraction of Motor Sport, came from the enterprise formed to build the track; it is pronounced as the two words actually sound, “Mo-Sport” (but is often incorrectly pronounced “Moss-Port”).
Virtual Track Infos :
This track originates with SCGT and converted to GTL by unknown. Of course, it was in GTR2 in no time.
Somewhat hard on the eyes, I retextured this track in Nov. 2006 and it has been setting on my hard drive collecting dust.
The AIW could use some polishing but other than that, it’s a bit easier to look at.
Installation Instructions :
extract the .rar file with WinRAR or similar unpacker and drop the
track-folder into your GTR2\GameData\Locations\…directory – done.
Terms of Use :
– only for private, non-commercial use / entertainment
– use at your own risk
All copyrights belong to their respective owners.