Track created by Sonar
Track Infos :
Fictional track made by Sonar, a friend for whom I am uploading here.
This is a bumpy Club track set in the town of Reutlingen in Germany.
The track is set up with 20 car slots. There are two small issues :
The shadows if you are driving around dust are not right in the dips,
this could not be rectified without starting from scratch.
The AI is best set at 120%.
This is a great track and very rewarding to drive if you choose a RWD car,
still fun in a FWD car. Please remember this is Sonar’s first track.
AIW update by whoops :
This is just an AIW file for the afore mentioned track, it increases the standard car slots from 20 cars to 30 cars.
Hope this helps some of you that prefer a larger grid.
Now go have some fun, only with more cars to race.
Brabham67 for all that he has done to help on this project, help with some crucial fixes.
PhilH959 for the use of the Mountains & testing.
Goresh for helping also regarding fixes.
Please Enjoy.