GTR2 Conversion by derDumeklemmer
Nemuno žiedas was created by Justas Vaitekunas using BTB.
– My biggest respecct for this great job –
He gave permission for a GTR2 conversion, thank you so much for that kind offer.
We’re offering the result of all our working hours to all of you free of charge but we ask for one single fee from your side:
Pls. give a little respect to all these working hours all of us spend for free for your entertainment ! This project is a “take it as it is, or leave it”-release, pls. see EULA for more detailed information.
– Justas Vaitekunas for rF scratch build
– FrankyBB & BlackHawk for loading screens
Nemuno Žiedas is a motor racing circuit in Kačerginė, a small town near Kaunas, Lithuania opened in 1960. Lithuanian and Baltic Touring Car Championship rounds are held in Nemuno Žiedas, as well as many professional and amateur events.
The revamp of the track in 2003 was made with consultancy of Marcel Martin, one of the most respected circuit specialists from the FIA. Two years later he confirmed many positive changes in attempt to ensure the safety of the competitors and spectators.
The circuit is still considered as a low category venue, with many corners being unsafe due to the lack of gravel traps, armco and poor surface. The frequent accidents of cars and especially motorbikes that led to serious injuries further hurt the reputation of the Lithuanian race track.
– Working Start-/PitIn-/Pitoutlights
– Animated marshals&spectators
– Full featured GTR2 AIW for 36 cars
– Multi texture environment mapping
– chicaned and non-chicaned layout
– Rain
– DutchDevil for getting me started in conversion issues
– MotorfX and Greybrad for their kind AIW guidance
– my lovely wife ‘Dumeklemmerin’ for all her patience and understanding.
..and all the guys I’m in contact due to conversion issues.
– looooooooooooong loading times, pls. have patience
Pls. report bugs in our forum at
Version 1.1 (2016-12-18) :
– aiw fix for for BOT pitin/-out and rolling starts
Version 1.0 (2009-09-13)
– initial release GTR2
have a lot of fun with this nice track,