Credits :
Riverside International Raceway GTL/GTR2 by philrob and Rainmaker
Conversion to GTL/GTR2 by Rainmaker (Nov. 2013), rFactor Version done by philrob.
Track Infos from Wiki :
Riverside International Raceway (sometimes known as Riverside, RIR, or Riverside Raceway) was a motorsports race track and road course in the Moreno Valley area, a suburb just east of Riverside, California. Riverside was a hot, dusty place. It was at times, also a dangerous place, yet it is remembered with affection by drivers and fans alike, as the home of road racing in southern California. It was also considered one of USA’s finest tracks. The track was in operation from September 22, 1957, to July 2, 1989, with the last race, The Budweiser 400, won by Rusty Wallace, held in 1988. After that final race, a shortened version of the circuit was kept open for car clubs and special events until 1989.
In the beginning it was originally called The Riverside International Motor Raceway. It was built in early 1957 by a company called West Coast Automotive Testing Corp.. The head of West Coast Auto Testing was a man by the name of Rudy Cleye, from Los Angeles, who had previously raced in Europe. However the building of the raceway met with funding difficulties early on and a businessman by the name of John Edgar provided a much needed cash bailout. This action prevented any halt in the track’s construction.
rFactor Read_Me by philrob :
This California track was demolished in 1998, to make way for a shopping mall. I have attempted to create a version in its final years. Both Nascar and Canam raced here amongst many other classes and types. I have modelled the Nascar and CanAm courses.
Using photos and movies i have pieced together the relative positions of most of the important bits and pieces, including the geographic location. Originally a Heat track, and converted with permission, i believe this rFactor version gives a good representation of this fantastic track.New pit buildings, sheds, crowds, advertising logos, trackside vehicles, marshals the press tower is retextured and repositioned to the Esses as it was in its later years. I have also repaired some holes in the land mass.
Pycat has kindly supplied the fine cams, and a great job he has done.
Infos from a former rF/GTR2 Read_Me :
Riverside 3Layouts was build for n2k3 by SMOKE and converted to rF by COOKNL.
The GTL/GTR2 version was converted by RacerM, Kimmo Kokkonen, GTI-Heizer,
Dumeklemmer and Culmone67 as permitted by SMOKE and COOKNL.